Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's been quite a while since I've posted. Life is back to being busy again. I'm coming along since the accident. I am now walking with no boot! It's slow and painful but closer to normal. I do the chores in the house but I'm still not taking care of the animals. I'm still not driving. But, this will all come about soon, I think.
It's getting cold here. I worry about all the animals. Hopefully winter won't just "pop" up on us. My husband needs to get a move on it and get things prepared. Of course he's been playing taxi driver for me. The girls had their first cheer competition this past Sunday and did excellent. It was Nomi's first time in front of hundreds of people and that little girl did great! She got her first trophie. Ollie, once again pulled it off and her team placed second--good enough to be going to New Jersey next week for the next set of competitions! I am going!
We're praying for work here for Oune. And hopefully the business that I have gotten into will take off.
Other than this, things are pretty steady.