Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back In The Hospital Again

Seems like my 'Accident Adventure' isn't quite over.
I'm back in the hospital after the doctors have found infection in my bone. All the metal hardware has been removed, I'm on some strong antibiotics, but hopefully this will be the cure and my bones can heal and I will be back to living my life as I am used to once again.
I'm back to no walking again. It's not so easy the first time, but I find it more challenging to do after you already went through it. The antibiotics are playing havoc on my stomach so now I get to add diarrhea to the picture, but hopefully we can find a treatment that works to cover that.
Don't know how long I will be in the hospital, but I'm to the point that I will do what needs to be done. Period.
This has been a very challenging year. Lots of obstacles. Financial problems. Stress constantly trying to take the forefront, but I won't allow it.
I definitely need to pay better attention to my thoughts and words.
I hope to have next year much more fun, much more financially secure, much more family friendly.
That is my plan.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vertical Farming--Let's Begin Now!

Check this out. This is one of the main topics we should be focusing on as a world project. There are so many good things that could come out of this--no hunger for the entire world, using natural energy (wind, sun), better water resourcefulness, less use of land, beautify while providing food, and the list could go on.
Go to this website. Then look up more groups out there with the same idea. It doesn't matter WHO is doing this, it matters that it HAPPENS!
So many simple solutions for so many situations out there--let's start using them!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trying To Make Some Money

Ok, it's been a long time since I've been on. Lots and lots has been happening for me--good and challenging. My recovery from the accident is moving along great. I think I will be driving soon! Yeah--more freedom!
My kids are great. We do have a family member who has been through the wringer healthwise, but I feel confident she is going to pull through. We all love her and wish the best for her every day!!
My husband still does not have much work. I still hold out hope on that. We the people need to take back this country and get it to where everyone can flourish in whatever job market they are in. Stop this government control!!  Ok, I'm not going to get started on that.
I have gotten myself into two little ventures (actually, I'm hoping they will become big ventures):
A new network has come about called Blast Off. It's really cool. You build a homepage that's loaded with some great stuff. If you like the news, there's plenty of sources you can choose from, there's entertainment, free music and free games. You can also access your Facebook account from there. The best part is the on-line shopping. There are over 400 retailers that are signed on with Blast Off. You go to your shopping page, find the store you want to shop is (like: Target, Home Depot, Expedia, etc) and click on it. You shop. You buy. You will then receive cash back in whatever percentage that store offers. Pretty cool. Then, when you tell your friends/family to join, they get to make some cash back and you get to make some cash back on what THEY buy! And this can continue down to 10 tiers!
Another business that I'm into is PrePaid Legal Services. It's legal insurance that will protect you and your family. For $35 a month, you can have 24/7 access to a lawyer (ask any kind of question you may have and as many questions you may come up with). It's consultation for $35 instead of paying around $150 or more and hr. You and your significant other can make your Will and have it updated every year. They also offer a membership for Idenity Theft restoration. They won't only find out who stole your identity, but will help restore the damages that were caused by the theft. You get all this when you become a member. You also can become an associate and try to get others to join. You will then make a commission on each person you have join.
So, I've been doing it for about a month. I don't really know many people and due to being stuck at home I can't really get out there to spread the word, but I do have three people as associates to PPL/Blast Off and 4 people joined Blast Off.
I am also now looking for any other ways to make some money since I'm pretty much grounded to my house.
I'll try to get back as much as possible.
Oh yeah, I also found this other cool thing called Yoovolution. It's a 3D animated site where marketers can all gather together and listen to conferences and meet others. I haven't played with it much because I've had to much going on, but I did build my character. You chould check it out.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's been quite a while since I've posted. Life is back to being busy again. I'm coming along since the accident. I am now walking with no boot! It's slow and painful but closer to normal. I do the chores in the house but I'm still not taking care of the animals. I'm still not driving. But, this will all come about soon, I think.
It's getting cold here. I worry about all the animals. Hopefully winter won't just "pop" up on us. My husband needs to get a move on it and get things prepared. Of course he's been playing taxi driver for me. The girls had their first cheer competition this past Sunday and did excellent. It was Nomi's first time in front of hundreds of people and that little girl did great! She got her first trophie. Ollie, once again pulled it off and her team placed second--good enough to be going to New Jersey next week for the next set of competitions! I am going!
We're praying for work here for Oune. And hopefully the business that I have gotten into will take off.
Other than this, things are pretty steady.

Monday, August 31, 2009


They release oxygen as a waste product of photosynthesis. Their net oxygen output is higher than that produced by all the trees and other land-based plants put together.
Ancient algae are also the main consituent of oil and gas. Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria is earth's earliest known life form, with fossils that date back to 3.6 billion years.
While some algae are included with the plants in the Eukaryote domain, the cyanobacteria are now firmly in the Bacteria kingdom with their own phylum.
One form of cyanobacteria, spirulina, yields twenty times more protein per acre than soya beans. It consists of 70% protein (compared to beef's 22%), 5% fat, no cholesterol, and an impressive array of vitamins and minerals. Hence the increasing popularity of the spirulina smoothie.
It also boosts the immune system, particularly the production of protein interferons, the body's front-line defense against viruses and tumor cells.
The nutritional and health benefits of spirulina were reccognized centuries ago by the Aztecs, sub-Saharan Africans and flamingos.
Its significance for the future may be that algae can be grown on land that isn't fertile, using (and recycling) brackish water. it's a crop that doesn't cause soil erosion, requires no ferilizers or pesticides, and refreshes the atmosphere more than anything else that grows.

{information from the book: The Book Of General Ignorance by John Lloyd & John Mitchinson }

How amazingly cool is this? There is actually a company out there that is working on this very subject of growing algae and other "green" stuff in vertical greenhouses. If you're interested, check this site:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don't Inject Me

Here is a song from one of my favorite sites, Natural News.
Listen to the words.
Do some research and find out if you REALLY want to get the swine flu vaccine. You might be shocked what you find out. And don't just stop with the swine flu, research about Big Pharma and our government and all these medications that are constantly pumped out to us.
It's not good.
Watch this video!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pictures From My Accident

These pictures show my car after the accident. It was totaled, but I was not! My two little girls with me had some bruises (my 4 yr old had a huge one across her belly that was pretty bad but she healed real quick). The one picture with the bottle of sunblock (it flew under there during impact) is sitting on top of my blood. There's pieces of glass and bone in there too. The pictures with the metal all around my leg is what they call an External Fixture (or X-fix) that holds the leg immobile so the bones can heal. One of the xrays is my ankle all broken, the other is my ankle now held together with plates and screws. My shin bone was also broken so there is a long plate holding that together too. Medical miracles!
The picture of the sutures is where my ankle was opened, bones protruding and hanging on by the skin on the other side. That is gross to think about. The picture with the big black boot is where I am now. The sucker is heavy and hot, but it won't be there forever!
So far I have been "laid up" for a little over 2 months. While it hasn't been the worst thing in my life, I have to admit I will never again complain when I have to stand for a long period of time! I haven't been able to go out to my kennel (I have 8 dogs there), or my cat house (I have 17 rescued cats), or my horse, my goats or my birds. I do miss that a lot. I haven't been able to leave the house except to go to the doctor's. I haven't been able to attend my girl's cheerleading practices and may miss some of their first games. School open houses are coming and I don't know if I'll make it. I also have a son who is a senior and he has been taking over my duties here. His summer was pretty shot. I haven't been able to garden, something I dearly love to do. So yes, there's a lot I have missed out on, but there are some things that I have been able to catch up on, too; like sleep, reading, visualizing, planning, listening, focusing, etc. Something always gives way for something else--and it's usually for the best.

Movin' On To Phase Three

Ok, went to the doctor last week to get some xrays. I am now able to go ahead and start putting weight on my foot and get some more therapy. The doc told me to go at my own pace. I will go back in 6 weeks to get some more xrays. The bones aren't totally healed yet. He said I'm doing very well considering the extent of my damage. He went over the xrays with me, my sister and my husband and we all got to see the true damage that was done. I am so thankful I still have my foot.
I found out the girl who hit me has a MySpace account. I checked it out. She did mention the accident and even posted some pictures of her bruises. It does look like she's enjoying her summer: surfing, partying, etc. I am glad she's ok. I'm going to see if I can post some pictures, too. They're not fun to look at, but it is now a part of my life which has and will bring some changes to my life and those around me.

Friday, July 24, 2009


On June 24th, on my way home from picking up my two little girls from the babysitter (I had to attend my grandmother's funeral) I was struck in the front of my car by another that had mistakenly gone through her red light. The hit was hard. Both airbags deployed. My two girls quickly unbuckled and got out of the car. As I watched them I realized they were in the busy intersection where this had happened. One of them is 11 yrs old the other is 4 yrs old. They were screaming in fear. It was around 10 pm at night. I was stuck in the car. I was in horrible pain. Quickly and out of nowhere, people began helping. A crowd gathered my girls and brought them to safety in front of me. A woman climbed into my car stating that she was a nurse and that they were ok and I would be too. Help was coming. The fire department was only a few minutes away. Police arrived. I turned and saw the driver of the other vehicle. She was upset but walking around. I'm glad she was ok. My right foot was in so much pain. I reached down and my hand became slimy with blood. It was dark but for one moment I was able to see my foot--it was barely attached. I tried hard not to panick. I had to use every ounce of my energy to hold my leg up in my crushed quarters. I prayed for unconsciousness to come. The nurse was getting phone numbers from me to contact my family. Suddenly a fireman was at my side. He was cradeling my head and telling me to "stay with him". I begged him to let me sleep. There was so much commotion and lights. I saw people lined up on the streets. Horrified looks on their faces. My girls were ok. I didn't know how much longer I could hold up my leg. They tried to get me out. Tried to open the door. Nothing was working. I was told they would have to remove the top of the car and bust out all the windows. They told the fireman next to me to get out. He refused. He said he wasn't leaving me. They covered us in tarp. The noise was horrendous. Glass breaking everywhere. It was hot and hard to breath. Finally the tarp was pulled off and the air felt so good. I continued to beg to sleep. My fireman wouldn't let me. They broke the steering off. They told me that I would have to be lifted straight up. I was so scared. My fireman told me to look into his eyes. "Do you trust me?" he asked. I did. As gently as they could they put a brace around my neck and a board behind my back and lifted me out. Oh, the pain! The fear! I was placed on a stretcher and my foot had to be stabilized. I begged, prayed for unconsciousness. As they started to push me they told me to keep my eyes and mouth shut. Whatever for I asked. I was being put on a helicopter. I started crying. Never in my life did I want to ride in one. I remember grabbing on to the nearest fireman's jacket with a death-grip. They had to pry my hand off. The helicopter was so cramped. My mangled foot was pressed up against the seat in front and my head was pressed up against something in back. I was right on the door. I think it was the longest 15 minutes of my life. I arrived at the hospital. I was told my girls were already there and they were being checked out. The confusion made me lose my sense of time. I heard my family. I was quickly being assessed. My clothes were cut off of me. I remember telling them they cut my favorite bra. I was being hooked up to IVs, poked, proded, asked a million questions, my foot was once again moved and I screamed. Somebody informed me my girls were ok and were being released. Oh Thank you Universe!! I had to be xrayed and have a CAT scan. That was horrible too. I was begging for pain meds. Finally, they were given and what a relief. I remember my husband, daughter, son, sister and brother-in-law coming into the room to look at me. They told me they were taking me to shock trauma in Baltimore (2 hrs away). Apparently my injuries were beyond what they could take care of. I was going alone. At this point I was pretty drugged up so it didn't matter too much. The ambulance ride was no fun. It was bumpy and I was strapped in. After that I don't remember much. The next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery and my husband, sister and brother-in-law were there. They told me I was so swollen and really looked bad. I was in no pain. Finally after I really started to wake up I started looking around. I was alone. I looked at my foot and noticed a mechanical contraption surrounding my foot and bottom part of my shin. I had seen these things on people before. I watch a lot of medical shows. Now I wanted to know what was going on.
I had broken both the fibula and tibia in my ankle area and had totally shatterd my small bones and even had some bone fragments missing. On the inside of my ankle area was many metal plates and screws. Basically they put my ankle back together. I have an 8" piece of metal going up along one of the shin bones. The metal fixture on the outside of my leg (called and X-Fix) has pins (screws), two of them, that are anchored in my shin bone, two that are anchored in the top part of my foot bone, and two that go directly through both sides of my heel bone. The is to keep my foot totally stable. Right where the foot and leg meet I have sutures that start in the middle and circle around to the back in the middle. I also have to cuts on the outer part of my leg where the surgeon must've had to get in to put some metal on the inside. I was told I nearly lost my foot. 50/50 chance they told my husband. I also had to be given two units of blood. There is someone out there I thank for that.
I stayed at shock trauma for three days and was then moved to a rehab. I heard it's one of the best. I have to admit, after the first week my pain was pretty much gone so I quite all pain meds. I was determined to go home. My therapist's were impressed with my work and I was allowed to go home a little early.
I still have the X-Fix on but it is coming off on the 6th of August. I will be fitted with a boot and will have to once again have physical therapy. Hopefully my foot has healed enough on the inside that I can start to slowly put weight on it. I have been wheel-chair bound and bed-bound.
I am not complaining. Too much. I believe I know why this happened. I know, for the most part, how I'm supposed to handle it. I know it could've been a whole lot worse. I am so forever thankful it wasn't.
I will walk again and with any luck I will walk even better. This was always a foot that gave me such pain!
The girl who hit me was only 16 yrs old. She was unhurt. I am thankful of that. I know this is a hard thing for her too.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Government Control

Is it just me or does it seem like the government is getting 'involved' with just about everything out there?
I hope it's my imagination that we are 'allowing' them to!
Think about this hard, you guys. What now has the government decided to take control of? Are you ok with that?
The new president promised change for us---what if his agenda had a dark side to it?
I don't know, but if I think about this too much, I can feel the uncertainty.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Read the following two articles after this post. It just makes me speechless and a little (maybe a lot) worried about what is happening in this country and WHEN are we going to put a stop to being the puppets we've become??

American Medical Association Promoted Tobacco, Cigarettes in its Medical Journal by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

American Medical Association Promoted Tobacco, Cigarettes in its Medical Journal by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) This article originally ran on NaturalNews in 2007, but given the recent passage of a "tobacco control bill" by the U.S. Senate, it deserves repeating. Read this article to learn some rather shocking information about the history of collaboration between Big Tobacco and the American Medical Association.

Despite its stated mission, "To promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health," the American Medical Association (AMA) has taken many missteps in protecting the health of the American people. One of the most striking examples is the AMA's long-term relationship with the tobacco industry.

Both the AMA and individual doctors sided with big tobacco for decades after the deleterious effects of smoking were proven. Medical historians have tracked this relationship in great detail, examining internal documents from tobacco companies and their legal counsel and public relations advisers. The overarching theme of big tobacco's efforts was to keep alive the appearance of a "debate" or "controversy" of the health effects of cigarette smoking.

The first research to make a statistical correlation between cancer and smoking was published in 1930 in Cologne, Germany. In 1938, Dr. Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University reported that smokers do not live as long as non-smokers. The tobacco industry dismissed these early findings as anecdotal -- but at the same time recruited doctors to endorse cigarettes.

JAMA kicks off two decades of cigarette advertising

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published its first cigarette advertisement in 1933, stating that it had done so only "after careful consideration of the extent to which cigarettes were used by physicians in practice." These advertisements continued for 20 years. The same year, Chesterfield began running ads in the New York State Journal of Medicine, with the claim that its cigarettes were "Just as pure as the water you drink... and practically untouched by human hands."

In medical journals and in the popular media, one of the most infamous cigarette advertising slogans was associated with the Camel brand: "More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette." The campaign began in 1946 and ran for eight years in magazines and on the radio. The ads included this message:

"Family physicians, surgeons, diagnosticians, nose and throat specialists, doctors in every branch of medicine... a total of 113,597 doctors... were asked the question: 'What cigarette do you smoke?' And more of them named Camel as their smoke than any other cigarette! Three independent research groups found this to be a fact. You see, doctors too smoke for pleasure. That full Camel flavor is just as appealing to a doctor's taste as to yours... that marvelous Camel mildness means just as much to his throat as to yours."

Big Tobacco's suppression of scientific evidence

At the same time that JAMA ran cigarette ads, it published in 1950 the first major study to causally link smoking to lung cancer. Morton Levin, then director of Cancer Control for the New York State Department of Health, surveyed patients in Buffalo, N.Y., from 1938 to 1950 and found that smokers were twice as likely to develop lung cancer as non-smokers.

Cigarette producers may have hoped that the public would remain unaware of studies published in medical journals. However, the dangers of smoking became widely known in 1952 when Reader's Digest published "Cancer by the Carton," detailing the dangers of cigarettes. Within a year cigarette sales fell for the first time in more than two decades.

The tobacco industry responded swiftly, engaging the medical community in its efforts. The Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) was formed by U.S. tobacco companies in 1954. By sponsoring "independent" scientific research, the TIRC attempted to keep alive a debate about whether or not cigarettes were harmful.

The industry announced the formation of the TIRC in an advertisement that appeared in The New York Times and 447 other newspapers reaching more than 43 million Americans. The advertisement, titled "A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers," read:

"RECENT REPORTS on experiments with mice have given wide publicity to a theory that cigarette smoking is in some way linked with lung cancer in human beings.

Although conducted by doctors of professional standing, these experiments are not regarded as conclusive in the field of cancer research. However, we do not believe that any serious medical research, even though its results are inconclusive should be disregarded or lightly dismissed.

At the same time, we feel it is in the public interest to call attention to the fact that eminent doctors and research scientists have publicly questioned the claimed significance of these experiments.

Distinguished authorities point out:

1. That medical research of recent years indicates many possible causes of lung cancer.
2. That there is no agreement among the authorities regarding what the cause is.
3. That there is no proof that cigarette smoking is one of the causes.
4. That statistics purporting to link cigarette smoking with the disease could apply with equal force to any one of many other aspects of modern life. Indeed the validity of the statistics themselves is questioned by numerous scientists.

We accept an interest in people's heath as a basic responsibility, paramount to every other consideration in our business.

We believe the products we make are not injurious to health.

We always have and always will cooperate closely with those whose task it is to safeguard the public health. For more than 300 years tobacco has given solace, relaxation, and enjoyment to mankind. At one time or another during those years critics have held it responsible for practically every disease of the human body. One by one these charges have been abandoned for lack of evidence.

Regardless of the record of the past, the fact that cigarette smoking today should even be suspected as a cause of a serious disease is a matter of deep concern to us.

Many people have asked us what we are doing to meet the public's concern aroused by the recent reports. Here is the answer:

1. We are pledging aid and assistance to the research effort into all phases of tobacco use and health. This joint financial aid will of course be in addition to what is already being contributed by individual companies.

2. For this purpose we are establishing a joint industry group consisting initially of the undersigned. This group will be known as TOBACCO INDUSTRY RESEARCH COMMITTEE.

3. In charge of the research activities of the Committee will be a scientist of unimpeachable integrity and national repute. In addition there will be an Advisory Board of scientists disinterested in the cigarette industry. A group of distinguished men from medicine, science, and education will be invited to serve on this Board. These scientists will advise the Committee on its research activities.

This statement is being issued because we believe the people are entitled to know where we stand on this matter and what we intend to do about it."

Doctors' involvement in the tobacco deception

The statement -- signed by presidents of major tobacco interests including Phillip Morris, Brown & Williamson, and R.J. Reynolds -- was designed to launch the "controversy" which I mentioned earlier. In fact, there was no controversy. The research results were clear: smoking had been proven harmful -- not just to mice, but to people who had for years been advised that smoking offered health benefits.

The TIRC promised to convene "a group of distinguished men from medicine, science, and education" and it did so. Early members of the TIRC's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) included: McKeen Cattell, PhD, MD, professor of pharmacology from Cornell University Medical College; Julius H. Comroe, Jr., MD, director of the University of California Medical Center's cardiovascular research institute and chairman of University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine; and Edwin B. Wilson, PhD, LLD, professor of vital statistics, Harvard University.

According to the New York State Archives, the TIRC's functions "included both the funding of research and carrying out public relations activities relating to tobacco and health." Faced with mounting evidence that smoking was harmful, "it became evident that this was not a short-term endeavor, and that it was difficult to manage both scientific research and public relations in one organization. As a result the Tobacco Institute was formed to assume the public relations functions, and the Council for Tobacco Research (CTR) was formed and incorporated to provide funding for scientific research."

Whether or not individual doctors supported smoking, lending their names to the TIRC gave it credibility. The Center for Media and Democracy has reported that many of the scientists who were members of the Scientific Advisory Board privately "disagreed with the tobacco industry's party line." According to the center's website: "In 1987, Dr. Kenneth Warner polled the SAB's 13 current members, asking, 'Do you believe that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer?' Seven of the SAB members refused to answer the question, even after Warner promised individual anonymity. The other six all answered in the affirmative. 'I don't think there's a guy on the [Board] who doesn't believe that cigarette smoking contributes to an increased risk of lung cancer,' one said, adding that the SAB's members were 'terrified' to say so publicly out of fear of involvement in tobacco product liability lawsuits."

If it was fear that kept doctors on board with the TIRC and its renamed version, CTR, it did not stop them from handing out research grants. The Center for Media and Democracy describes some of the early grants: "Research projects attempted to show that both lung cancer and smoking were caused by some other 'third factor,' such as a person's psychological makeup, religion, war experiences or genetic susceptibility. One research project asked whether the handwriting of lung cancer patients can reveal characteristics associated with lung cancer. Another looked for enzyme markers predicting susceptibility to lung cancer."

After three decades, the AMA finally admits smoking is harmful

After the 1964 Surgeon General's landmark report on the dangers of cigarettes, the CTR stepped up its work, providing materials to defend the tobacco industry against litigation. The same year -- three decades after medical research demonstrated the dangers of cigarettes -- the American Medical Association finally issued statement on smoking, calling it "a serious health hazard." It was not until 1998 that the CTR was shut down -- and only after the tobacco industry lost a major court case brought forward by states across the country.

Allan M. Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard, writes about the role that medical research played on both sides of the smoking debate in his new book, The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America. After reviewing research, court transcripts and previously restricted memoranda from tobacco companies, Brandt summed up the misleading nature of "expert" medical testimony in tobacco litigation: "I was appalled by what the tobacco expert witnesses had written. By asking narrow questions and responding to them with narrow research, they provided precisely the cover the industry sought."

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Brandt acknowledged that his research is a combination of scholarship and health advocacy -- pointing out the means by which the American public was intentionally misled for most of the twentieth century. As Brandt stated, "The stakes are high, and there is much work to be done."

The medical conspiracy continues today

It is my belief that just as private industry and the medical community conspired to deceive the public on tobacco (and thereby profit from the public's ignorance of tobacco's extreme health hazard), the same story is repeating itself today in the cancer industry, the sunscreen industry, and the pharmaceutical industry. In each case, so-called "authoritative" doctors insist that whatever they're pushing is safe for human consumption, and that the public should buy their products without any concern about safety.

And yet these industries are much like the tobacco industry in the fact that they primarily seek profits, not health. Medicine today is in the business of making money, and that goal is achieved by selling chemical products to consumers regardless of their safety or efficacy. Big Medicine is the modern version of Big Tobacco, and over the last several decades, the American Medical Association has proudly supported both cigarettes and pharmaceuticals. In my opinion, the AMA is indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of Americans -- not just from pushing cigarettes but also for continuing to push dangerous pharmaceuticals while discrediting nearly everything in natural medicine or alternative medicine. The AMA is a truly evil organization, in my opinion, that I believe has directly and knowingly contributed to the suffering and death of Americans for more than 75 years. Read my story, What the AMA hopes you never learn about its true history to learn more. In a just society, AMA leaders would be arrested and tried for their crimes against humanity, just as top FDA officials should be.

The cancer industry, similarly, is extremely dangerous to the health and safety of Americans thanks to its outright refusal to support anti-cancer nutrition (vitamin D, broccoli sprouts, spirulina, rainforest herbs, etc.) as well as its refusal to fight for the removal of toxic chemicals from consumer products and the workplace.

In studying the history of product commercialization by medical groups, what we consistently find is a series of cons perpetrated against consumers, masterminded by profit-seeing medical groups that conspire with corporations to maximize profits at the expense of public health. Nothing has changed today, either. The AMA isn't pushing cigarettes anymore, but it's still pushing deadly pharmaceuticals that will one day be regarded as just as senseless as smoking. Let's face it: pharmaceutical medicine is hopelessly outdated, ineffective and dangerous. Nobody intelligent today actually believes that pharmaceuticals help people heal. In fact, the more drugs people take, the worse their health becomes! Modern medicine is actually harmful to patients!

Medical science is slow to change, and slow to give up its closely-guarded (false) beliefs. In time, however, virtually everything now supported by the medical industry (the FDA, AMA, ACS, etc.) will be regarded as insanely harmful to human health. One day, future scientists will look back on medicine today and wonder just how such an industry of evil and greed could have gained so much power and authority. The answer is found in "groupthink" and the strange knack for humans to defer to anyone in an apparent position of authority, regardless of whether such authority is warranted.

Senate Passes Pathetic Tobacco Control Bill by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Senate Passes Pathetic Tobacco Control Bill by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) There's no other word to describe it: The U.S. Senate's tobacco control bill is pathetic. It bans candy cigarettes and fruit-flavored cigarettes, but doesn't even require cigarette companies to disclose the ingredients they use until nearly a year-and-a-half later. The bill bans the use of the word "light" from cigarette packages, but even the tobacco companies admit this will make virtually no difference, as smokers have grown accustomed to buying cigarettes labeled with color codes that indicate a "light" designation.

And perhaps most importantly, this bill now puts the FDA in the position of approving the marketing and consumption of a product that directly promotes heart disease, strokes and cancer. The FDA, in other words, will now lend its stamp of approval to a product that openly kills people.

Tobacco as an FDA-approved drug?

If the FDA has any ethics whatsoever, it must ban tobacco products outright. For how can the Food and Drug Administration approve the marketing and selling of a deadly carcinogenic product when, at the same time, it bans cherry growers from describing the everyday health benefits of cherries?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for approving the marketing and distribution of both foods and drugs. Cigarettes are obviously not foods or dietary supplements, and since tobacco is inhaled for its pharmacological effects, that clearly puts cigarettes in the drugs category. So if this bill becomes law, it will force the FDA to declare tobacco to be a drug.

So if tobacco is a drug, then where are the safety tests required for drug approval? The FDA assaults fruit and herb companies on a daily basis, threatening them with being shut down for selling "unapproved drugs," and yet now the FDA is about to be put in the position of approving an admittedly deadly product that has no health benefits whatsoever while contributing to serious degenerative disease!

Interestingly, this position is not at all unusual for the FDA. The agency has already granted approval to thousands of toxic chemicals that openly harm human health -- pharmaceuticals. FDA-approved drugs, after all, kill over 100,000 Americans each year. If the FDA's portfolio of drugs includes tobacco, that number will rise to well over half a million Americans killed each year by FDA-approved drugs!

Furthermore, it would make laughable any claim by the FDA that it is working to "protect the public." As the agency approving the marketing, sale and consumption of a product that inarguably kills over 400,000 people a year, the FDA would cement its position as a peddler of poison.

The War on (some) Drugs

Placing tobacco under "approved" status at the FDA also raises a glaring contradiction in the U.S. government's so-called "War on Drugs." Tobacco is, without question, a psychoactive, highly-addictive drug that is consumed by people in an addictive and destructive way. Marijuana, by comparison, is less addictive, making it far less destructive to health overall. So why is tobacco about to become an FDA-approved drug while marijuana remains an herb whose very possession results in a consumer being branded a criminal and thrown in prison?

Putting tobacco in the FDA's portfolio only serves to highlight the hilarious contradictions in U.S. drug policy, showing it to be solely about protecting corporate drug profits, not protecting people from dangerous drugs.

Wanna sell more drugs? Push more tobacco...

Has anyone realized the huge conflict of interest in turning over tobacco regulation to the FDA? The FDA's biggest customers (corporations that pay the FDA money) earn their profits precisely from treating the very diseases caused by tobacco consumption. This creates an incentive for the FDA to promote more tobacco, thereby boosting the long-term revenue potential of its Big Pharma clients.

This obvious conflict of interest is one reason why the FDA cannot be trusted to regulate tobacco in a way that serves the public interest. Rather, tobacco regulation is likely to be used as a way to promote more tobacco use by declaring it to be "approved" by the FDA.

It's astounding that it took the U.S. Senate over fifteen years to pass a tobacco bill that turns out to be a pathetic attempt to reduce smoking and, in fact, might actually increase the perception of cigarettes being "safe" and "approved" by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Light up, kids! It's FDA approved!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This Is SO True!

Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel -- and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good.

--- Abraham

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So Many Changes

Ok, so I've been working now for almost 3 weeks. The job itself is pretty easy and the people are great. It's nice to see my sister and brother-in-law there too. But (and this is a really big but) I so wish I didn't have to do this. I am totally exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open on the drive home to pick up the kids from school. I'm up at 5 am to care for the animals and get myself and the kids ready to go, drop them each off at their destinations then go straight to work. Get off at 2 pm and go straight to pick them up. Get home around 4pm and then care for the animals again and tey to get some garden work in. Usually get in the house around 7-8pm and make dinner, do baths, etc. and hopefully get the kids to bed around 9pm. I make my dinner and try to get some computer work in. I fight the whole time to keep from falling asleep at my desk. I will finally go to sleep around 12-1 am and start it all over again. Of course I didn't mention any of the 'unexpected' things to occur during my days or the errands that must be done ASAP.
I don't think I have ever felt so damn tired before in my life. This is definitely a change that I don't want to have to continue.
Ok, so now it's 11 pm and I had 'one of those days' and I don't think I'm going to make it much longer for tonight. Sleep actually sounds good.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Got A Job

Well, I got an outside job. I didn't want to, but these times that are happening have put me in the position that I have had to. I am very grateful that the people who hired me thought about me to give me the position. I am the receptionist at the Harley Davidson shop in OC, Md. I've been there a week now and it's ok. I am still looking for a way to work from home because that is what I really want to do. My time, which was already so very limited, is more so now. It's extra challenging for me to get everything done in a day that I want to. The way things are with the economics of this country and so forth, are really providing me with experiences which are allowing me to know what I really want out of life. So, I guess to be thankful for what I DO HAVE and to know what I DO WANT is my focus.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Born In America

There is a wonderful song on this web site I highly recommend you listen to. Go to the web site listed, listen to the song and then join the cause.
This is your country. Our country.
Time to take it back and make it strong again!

Born Again American

Religion Is A Killer

Wow, what a shocking title, huh? I suppose this might anger some people, though I don't know why. If you have a belief system that makes you feel good, then it shouldn't matter one bit what anyone else believes. What does their belief have to do with you and how you choose to live your life? Why do people feel the need to push their beliefs on to others? No one can be absolutely right or wrong. How can they be when there are so many different beliefs out there?
A belief should be something that 'feels' good to you. Something that feels 'right' for you. It doesn't matter if another person doesn't agree with you. It doesn't matter if they verbally tell you you're wrong. If you believe it's right, then it is---for you. That's all that matters.
We all don't like the same colors, the same foods, the same movies---but we certainly can still be friends or love someone who doesn't agree with our choices, right? So why in the world is religion any different?
Religion is about control. You have a priest, a rabbi, a Pope that tells the people of whatever religious group they are with, what they are to believe, how they are to think, act, who they should stay away from, why they should try to convert others to believing their way, who to fight against, etc. People complain about the government having so much control over us (and only we are to blame), but I don't hear anyone complaining about how their religious group has them in their grasp. Why? Because of fear. You get someone to be afraid and you can control every aspect of that person. Control can be a very deadly thing. This next paragraph, if read carefully and honestly, may spark a new belief in you:

"You are killing more of each other every day over your quarrels over religion than all other things put together, because you cannot even come to an agreement about what you think God says, or wants for you. On one side of the world God wants something different than the other. On one side of the room, in one side of your mind, God wants something different than on the other. The power is within you. You are extensions of this powerful Source Energy. You are literally God expressing in this physical body. And so, as you are standing in a thought, or in a word, or in an action that feels good to you as you are standing there--then you are fully open and allowing all of that Divine Energy to flow through you. And in that moment you are all that you said you would be when you decided to come forth into this body. You are the extension of pure positive energy. You are in your full creative power. You are thriving. You are clear-minded. You are joyful. You are filled with love. You are who you are--you are allowing that which you really are."

--- Abraham

Thursday, May 7, 2009

High Price Healthy

I don't know how many times I'm going to say this, think it, and wish it were different.

This country is seriously messed up and there's just NO WAY things will get fixed unless WE ALL Do IT TOGETHER!

So, what's on my mind right now? The cost of being healthy. I'm not talking about going to the doctor's or the prices of vitamins (though paying for any of this is crazy too). I'm talking about good food.
We are constantly being told how unhealthy processed foods are, how organic is better (I totally agree, by the way), how we are a nation of obese and lazy folks and our children are headed for trouble. Well, yeah, I can see the logic in this--but where I don't see the logic is, if they (the government, health organizations, etc) are so concerned, then how about giving a helping hand instead of just shooting their mouths? Help make it more AFFORDABLE for people to purchase the organic foods. Help make it more affordable for manufacturers to purchase the organic ingredients to make their products. Doesn't it make sense that the more available and accessible the product, the more people will buy and more money will be put in the pockets of those that are so hungry for that? How many people are on food stamps--especially right now? What do you think is purchased with these stamps? Fruits and veggies? Whole grain cereals and snacks? NO. Junk. It's less expensive. Has there been any data collected on the number of obese people on food stamps compared to people of wealth? Probably not and if there has, there certainly has been no changes. Anyone with eyes can see there is a problem here.
All the talk of 'going green' is a fantastic thing, but it's either going to continue to go very slow or maybe not get anywhere because once again, who can afford to make their homes, communities, businesses, etc better? So, we're offered tax breaks when we implement the products (don't get me started on taxes), but those of us who really do care about this planet and our lives can't even get the things to make it better.
None of this makes any sense...until you remember that 'it's all about money' (for the big corporations and government agencies) and then there's that audible 'click'. And then I personally feel ill. And I wish more people would get out of their comfort zones and realize that it's not safe there anymore.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Understanding Quantum Physics

I would love to understand Quantum Physics. I don't want to know formulas or any really confusing scientific or technical descriptions of it. Just what it means in simple terms. I've been reading a little about it. I have so many interests in so many things and have all sorts of reading material going on at once, but I'd be more than happy to have someone email me maybe wanting to chat about this subject.
I feel that it's very important to understand it to some degree. This is not a subject that you can just approach anyone and strike up a conversation. A lot of times if I even mention the words I get looks of confusion. That's understandable, but I wish more people were curious about this stuff.
A funny, and a little bit embarrassing, thing happened to me today (only embarrassing to myself because I haven't discussed this with anyone); I love the Matrix movies. I've seen them all, several times. I don't consider myself unintelligent, but I really didn't understand the whole jist of the plot, but the special effects were awesome and I enjoy looking at Keanu Reeves a lot. Anyway, I get an email today from a particular newsletter I receive called "Metaphysical Mind", and in it the author gives the answer to what the movie was all about. Not that I was asking (I haven't watched it for a while), but after reading what was said, I realize that it IS an answer to a question I ask all the time. This is what the author of the newletter said:

"The Matrix was one of the most popular and thought-provoking movies of all time. Viewers all over the world were captivated by the film's primary message: People get into deep trouble when they mistake what they perceive for reality. What most viewers do not realize is that prior to the release of this groundbreaking film, western intelligence agencies were already using the term "the Matrix" to describe today's world. This was in contrast to their work with remote viewers, who would "escape the matrix" to gather intelligence. Art truly does imitate life.

In the movie, the Matrix is an elaborate Artificial Intelligence computer simulation that's so captivating that people mistake it for reality. People perceive they are walking about and interacting with others, but their physical bodies are actually submerged in fluid-filled pods, "plugged into" the Matrix, while their vital life force is harnessed to power the Matrix."

I have read "The Secret", I'm totally into reading everything written by Jerry and Esther Hicks who tap into a channeled source called Abraham (even if you believe that channeling is a bunch of hogwash, put out of your mind where all the information is coming from and just listen to the information itself with the wonderful open mind we were all given and it will all make sense), and I'm finding so many, many others out there who have so much to say on the subject of "reality". It has to do with Quantum Physics. It's all tied in. I want to understand it better. I know I will, because I've asked. That's how the Universe works.

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 22 is Earth Day!

April 22 is Earth Day. It is the 40th anniversary. Why does this matter?
It should because this is your home; it's your family's, friends, pets home too. It's a place of beauty and amazing wonders. It's alive.
With all of the information that we have been receiving from scientists, naturalists, ecologists, and many more who care--this should be a day to be thankful for everything we have been able to enjoy that has been given to us by this magnificent planet. It's also a day that we should make a promise to start helping to clean it up and repair so many damages that we have done.
I don't know about you, but I hope that my children and their children are fortunate enough to continue to live here, breath clean air, drink clean water, and view the beauty that abounds on this planet.
Stop for a minute or two on this day, look around you and find something to appreciate.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Quit Smoking!

I was talking to a person very close to me the other day. She was telling me that when her husband goes back out on the road to do a job, she would like to try to quit smoking. I, of course, told her that would be wonderful. I quit 9 years ago. I smoked for 20 and at 3 am on January 1, 2000, I smoked my last one. I psyched myself up for a year before I did it. Every time I lit a cigarette, I would tell myself "one day soon you won't be doing this any more." I would concentrate on as much negative stuff about it that I could. I would notice that I smelled of smoke even with perfume on. I noticed how a cigarette in my hand only gave me one hand to use. I noticed how others felt (who didn't smoke) when the smokers always got to go on breaks at their jobs. I noticed my breath wasn't always pleasant. I noticed the money I was spending. I noticed my children watching me. I decided I'd had enough. So, I made a list of my reasons to quit and I concentrated on them all the time:
- Cigarette companies are making a profit on your addiction and impending ill health. You're
putting THEIR kids through college, feeding THEIR families, buying THEIR homes, cars,
jewels, etc.
-You're polluting the planet with the butts and you're polluting other people's lungs
-The government makes a profit from the taxes
-If you should suffer ill health due to smoking, YOU pay your bill or WE pay for your insurance
-You stink
-Your breath stinks
-You get more wrinkles
-You honestly look dumb; not glamorous or cool; especially when you're standing outside in the
rain or freezing cold because you can't smoke indoors
-You set a bad example for your kids
Figure out how much you spend a year on cigarettes (careful; it may shock you). What is something positive you could do with that money?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our World Has Got To Change!

Do you not agree with this?
Sometimes I wonder how many people really think about how things are going. Not just in their own lives, but for the world.
Things are so messed up in every single aspect: religion, economy, education, government, ecology, etc.
I am a person that tries to see the positive in every single thing that comes my way. I really do. But I will admit that it is getting more and more challenging by the day.
I do have faith that more of the world's people are starting to feel the same way. They know change must happen. There is a sense deep within our very essence that it WILL happen. But the question is how many will ALLOW it to happen without resistance?
I came across two documentaries made by a group of people that I feel honestly and deeply care about humanity as a whole. Nothing on their videos really surprised me because I have been aware of many of the changes that have been happening for the past almost 20 years, but I will admit that I had a jumble of emotions stir inside me while watching and listening to these videos. The strongest emotion I think I felt was that of relief. Why? Because to know that there was this huge group of people, putting information out there for all to see and hear that I had spinning in my head. I don't believe in coincidence so I know this information came into my possession for a reason---I had asked for it and apparently I was ready for it.
So, please, with an open mind, check out the two videos. If you think it just a lot of nonsense, ok. That's your choice. If you think it might be something to share, pass it along.
Go to this site: and click on the one marked 'movie' first. Then click on the one marked 'addendum'. If you want to know more about the organization who made the videos, check out their web site: and click on their orientation presentation.
Even if you don't agree with everything you see and hear, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one bit of information got you to really start to think and want to work towards a better world for all.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

We Need To Change The Way We Are Taxed!

I know I'm not the only one out there that believes the IRS is an extremely unfair entity that has been in business for way too long! Something is just not right about it. They bully people, scare people, threaten people. Seems like even our own government is afraid of them. Who are they really? What is the true story behind thier set up? Why do we continue to let them continue their ways?
Check out this link to a group of people who have some great ideas. Ideas that will make the taxing fair to everyone! Become a member of

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

American Jobs Staying In America

I'm all for everyone being able to get a job if they so choose, but I think that each country should first think about making sure jobs are available to their own countrymen (women) first. Our country is loaded with its own resources and intelligent and willing people to work. American businesses should STAY in AMERICA and hire AMERICAN people. Plain and simple. Just because a corporation can hire foreigners at a cheaper rate of pay shouldn't be a good enough reason to manufacture outside of this country nor should it be a reason to hire non-Americans. If our country happens to not have a product or a service needed, something that we cannot make or obtain within our own soil, then we either barter or buy. I think this issue is hitting pretty hard with a lot of people---whether they work or not. I will honestly tell you that it's very frustrating, for example; when I have a technical problem, say with my computer, and I need help, I will first email to the support team. The person assigned to my situation will be from another country (usually India). I will then explain my situation. The reply I receive will usually not help. I am going through this right now. I emailed back and forth with this person with no results whatsoever. So, today I call the tech. support. I can barely understand the person helping me. I tell him the problem; he then goes on to tell me that the company now has a tech. support team, from the USA that for a charge of $149.00 year will allow me to get my own personal technician! OMG! I have full warranty on my computer--shouldn't tech. support be a part of that (I'm just asking for verbal help). And since I am from America, shouldn't I have American help without having to be charged for it? I just don't get it. Needless to say, I may not be buying products from this company again. We need to look after each other. Our country was strong and was independent. Sometimes it just seems like it and everyone in it is up for sale. Working WITH other countries is a good thing, but outsourcing jobs is not. Any product that is not made IN the USA should not be allowed to say it was. We should do our best to buy only USA made products--it has to start somewhere to let the manufacturers know we are serious. Fixing this country is in our hands.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Promoting the Positive

Sadly, the majority of us 'allow' the media, through TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. to govern the way we feel, think, and believe. These information sources have also learned that the more negative news they have, the bigger the viewing. Is it any wonder then why this country is in such a mess? It's as though no one thinks for themselves anymore. Too many don't listen to their own inner sources. In my opinion, limiting the number of negative promoting media sources, and labeling them as such, while promoting positive media sources would be a good idea. This way everyone could still say what they wanted to say, but by informing the audience of the contents to be talked about or shown, it would give more free will to those that would like to have their brains saturated with positive instead of negative. It has been proven time and again that when our brains are stimulated with verbal information and shown images along with it, we will believe what we are hearing and seeing--even if it may not be true. The media has capitalized on spreading fear, insecurity, doubt, and many other forms of negativity throughout the world. For example: We know that the people in the Middle East feel hatred towards the Americans in large part due to the propaganda they are shown on TV and in their newspapers. Our own media then focuses the information sent out to us on their hatred towards us, which just keeps this vicious cycle going. Maybe, just maybe, if we started within our own country, to promote more positive information through printed, visual, and audio sources, then this sense of "good feelings" will spread throughout the world. How could it not? Can you just imagine how wonderful it would be to live in a country where more people have positive outlooks on life? Who would you rather be in a conversation with--someone who was complaining, whining, or arguing--or someone who was happy, content, and optimistic? We've been so bombarded with the negative that it feels like that's how we are 'supposed' to be. If we happen to be having a good day and everything is going right, we get nervous because we just 'know' something is going to happen to mess it up. And if an obstacle does appear, it's very easy to get depressed or angry and have the "I knew it" attitude. Obstacles will always enter our lives because if they did not, there would not be opportunities for us to grow. We'd stagnate. It's how we handle the obstacles that make all the difference. If we have a more positive attitude about ourselves and our lives, getting through those obstacles will be much easier. Emotions have a way of radiating out from us--personally, I'd much rather be 'infected' by a person who believes in finding the good in all than one who just can't see past the negative reality they have built for themselves. These people tend to drag as many others in with them, for it can be lonely living in sadness and fear. I understand that not everything that happens in this world, that maybe should be shared, is always positive. But I do think that there is a way to inform people of the event without so much drama or in-depth negativity. If people are interested in viewing or reading more about it, there would be specified networks, newspapers, etc. the public could access. For all others, state the event, then focus on the positive outcomes of it. Maybe it would be the love and support of the public. Or a wonderful idea to make something better, safer, cleaner, etc. This world is crying for change. The only way it's going to happen is with us, the people of the world. The United States has long been a leader for so many--let's take the lead now and promote the positive!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where Are You Right Now?

With all that's going on within our country, or for that matter, within our world, it's very easy for us to wander into fear, despair, anger, and sadness. There are people losing their jobs, their homes, their possessions and some are losing their lives from stress or of their own choosing.
It can be challenging talking to these people who believe that there's no way out. No matter how positive you sound, or the helpful advice you offer, they just don't believe.
Emotions are very contagious. The media learned this a long time ago. They have been able to spread fear faster than any other source. Yet, we keep asking for more.
My suggestion is to just stop watching and listening. But then how are we supposed to know what's going on? Read. You have more choice this way as to how much you want exposed to your brain.
Our brains can only know what WE allow to be implanted. Once the information is in there, we then have a choice of believing it or not. Funny thing is, if we 'see' it while we 'hear' it, we most likely will believe it, positive or negative.
The media is able to provide the negativity and fear to a massive amount of people. These people are believing what they are seeing and hearing. The negative thoughts and beliefs are then manifested.
We need to live in the NOW. I know this sounds like hippy, zen stuff, but so what? Think about it. What do we all really have? We have the moment that is happening---right now. Maybe what's happening in your life isn't what you really want, but that's 'what is'. That's what you've got. If it's a joyous now, be grateful, rejoice. If it's not, be grateful, there's something to learn from it.
Look at whatever situation you are in at this present moment. Don't like it? What would an end result be that would make you happy? Do you see it? Can you feel the emotion with it? Good, concentrate on that and then in the meantime do what you can with your NOW. Find whatever you can to feel relief--whether it be a happy thought, an activity you enjoy, an exercise routine--whatever. Once you feel that emotion that is a little lighter than what you may have been feeling, then BELIEVE that things will only get better and all is well. When you believe it, your brain will believe it and your positive thoughts will manifest into positive things. Your joy will spread. As it spreads to the masses, the positive energy will create positive actions.
So, where are you right now?