Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Promoting the Positive

Sadly, the majority of us 'allow' the media, through TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. to govern the way we feel, think, and believe. These information sources have also learned that the more negative news they have, the bigger the viewing. Is it any wonder then why this country is in such a mess? It's as though no one thinks for themselves anymore. Too many don't listen to their own inner sources. In my opinion, limiting the number of negative promoting media sources, and labeling them as such, while promoting positive media sources would be a good idea. This way everyone could still say what they wanted to say, but by informing the audience of the contents to be talked about or shown, it would give more free will to those that would like to have their brains saturated with positive instead of negative. It has been proven time and again that when our brains are stimulated with verbal information and shown images along with it, we will believe what we are hearing and seeing--even if it may not be true. The media has capitalized on spreading fear, insecurity, doubt, and many other forms of negativity throughout the world. For example: We know that the people in the Middle East feel hatred towards the Americans in large part due to the propaganda they are shown on TV and in their newspapers. Our own media then focuses the information sent out to us on their hatred towards us, which just keeps this vicious cycle going. Maybe, just maybe, if we started within our own country, to promote more positive information through printed, visual, and audio sources, then this sense of "good feelings" will spread throughout the world. How could it not? Can you just imagine how wonderful it would be to live in a country where more people have positive outlooks on life? Who would you rather be in a conversation with--someone who was complaining, whining, or arguing--or someone who was happy, content, and optimistic? We've been so bombarded with the negative that it feels like that's how we are 'supposed' to be. If we happen to be having a good day and everything is going right, we get nervous because we just 'know' something is going to happen to mess it up. And if an obstacle does appear, it's very easy to get depressed or angry and have the "I knew it" attitude. Obstacles will always enter our lives because if they did not, there would not be opportunities for us to grow. We'd stagnate. It's how we handle the obstacles that make all the difference. If we have a more positive attitude about ourselves and our lives, getting through those obstacles will be much easier. Emotions have a way of radiating out from us--personally, I'd much rather be 'infected' by a person who believes in finding the good in all than one who just can't see past the negative reality they have built for themselves. These people tend to drag as many others in with them, for it can be lonely living in sadness and fear. I understand that not everything that happens in this world, that maybe should be shared, is always positive. But I do think that there is a way to inform people of the event without so much drama or in-depth negativity. If people are interested in viewing or reading more about it, there would be specified networks, newspapers, etc. the public could access. For all others, state the event, then focus on the positive outcomes of it. Maybe it would be the love and support of the public. Or a wonderful idea to make something better, safer, cleaner, etc. This world is crying for change. The only way it's going to happen is with us, the people of the world. The United States has long been a leader for so many--let's take the lead now and promote the positive!

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