Monday, August 24, 2009

Pictures From My Accident

These pictures show my car after the accident. It was totaled, but I was not! My two little girls with me had some bruises (my 4 yr old had a huge one across her belly that was pretty bad but she healed real quick). The one picture with the bottle of sunblock (it flew under there during impact) is sitting on top of my blood. There's pieces of glass and bone in there too. The pictures with the metal all around my leg is what they call an External Fixture (or X-fix) that holds the leg immobile so the bones can heal. One of the xrays is my ankle all broken, the other is my ankle now held together with plates and screws. My shin bone was also broken so there is a long plate holding that together too. Medical miracles!
The picture of the sutures is where my ankle was opened, bones protruding and hanging on by the skin on the other side. That is gross to think about. The picture with the big black boot is where I am now. The sucker is heavy and hot, but it won't be there forever!
So far I have been "laid up" for a little over 2 months. While it hasn't been the worst thing in my life, I have to admit I will never again complain when I have to stand for a long period of time! I haven't been able to go out to my kennel (I have 8 dogs there), or my cat house (I have 17 rescued cats), or my horse, my goats or my birds. I do miss that a lot. I haven't been able to leave the house except to go to the doctor's. I haven't been able to attend my girl's cheerleading practices and may miss some of their first games. School open houses are coming and I don't know if I'll make it. I also have a son who is a senior and he has been taking over my duties here. His summer was pretty shot. I haven't been able to garden, something I dearly love to do. So yes, there's a lot I have missed out on, but there are some things that I have been able to catch up on, too; like sleep, reading, visualizing, planning, listening, focusing, etc. Something always gives way for something else--and it's usually for the best.

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