Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Been A While

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Still in the hospital only because I have to be hooked up to an IV of penicillin 24/7. No insurance so to send me home would cost them more than keeping me here. The last day of IV is supposed to be 1/27 and then I will go on pills for the next 6 - 12 months. I'll do whatever to get this healed. My foot looks better than ever and I am exercising it every day. The bones aren't quite healed, due to the infection, but they are healing. I can't walk and to do it hurts a little and my foot is incredibly tight. My desire is to walk out of this hospital without pain.
In the meantime, I am working on learning this marketing that I want to get into (though to tell the truth I've been slacking but it's time to buckle down now and learn and apply it). I want some BIG money now!
I've gotten back into working with the Tarot cards. I enjoy that. My numerology is put on hold because all my many books cannot come here to the hospital with me.
I've been watching a lot of TV. I think I've watched more in this past month than I have the entire year!
I've been watching a good show on TruTV called Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura and it's quite interesting. Nothing shocks me but the things he's letting the public know absolutely disgusts me. I hope more and more people start opening their mouths about what is really going on and then letting the people know that the solution lies within US, the people to fix it. There is no one else that can do it but us. I sure hope this is the year that people wake up and realize this!
They all feel like they picked a president that was going to bring "good" changes, well, I think they are seeing that is was nothing but a bunch of bull just like it is every times a new person takes that position. It's bought and paid for people--they have no control over anything!
I am going to remain positive that this year is going to be much more prosperous and joyful than last year.
This is the year of creativity--so let's all get creative about how to make things better for the whole world!!
Happy New Year!

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