Thursday, May 7, 2009

High Price Healthy

I don't know how many times I'm going to say this, think it, and wish it were different.

This country is seriously messed up and there's just NO WAY things will get fixed unless WE ALL Do IT TOGETHER!

So, what's on my mind right now? The cost of being healthy. I'm not talking about going to the doctor's or the prices of vitamins (though paying for any of this is crazy too). I'm talking about good food.
We are constantly being told how unhealthy processed foods are, how organic is better (I totally agree, by the way), how we are a nation of obese and lazy folks and our children are headed for trouble. Well, yeah, I can see the logic in this--but where I don't see the logic is, if they (the government, health organizations, etc) are so concerned, then how about giving a helping hand instead of just shooting their mouths? Help make it more AFFORDABLE for people to purchase the organic foods. Help make it more affordable for manufacturers to purchase the organic ingredients to make their products. Doesn't it make sense that the more available and accessible the product, the more people will buy and more money will be put in the pockets of those that are so hungry for that? How many people are on food stamps--especially right now? What do you think is purchased with these stamps? Fruits and veggies? Whole grain cereals and snacks? NO. Junk. It's less expensive. Has there been any data collected on the number of obese people on food stamps compared to people of wealth? Probably not and if there has, there certainly has been no changes. Anyone with eyes can see there is a problem here.
All the talk of 'going green' is a fantastic thing, but it's either going to continue to go very slow or maybe not get anywhere because once again, who can afford to make their homes, communities, businesses, etc better? So, we're offered tax breaks when we implement the products (don't get me started on taxes), but those of us who really do care about this planet and our lives can't even get the things to make it better.
None of this makes any sense...until you remember that 'it's all about money' (for the big corporations and government agencies) and then there's that audible 'click'. And then I personally feel ill. And I wish more people would get out of their comfort zones and realize that it's not safe there anymore.

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