Thursday, May 21, 2009

Religion Is A Killer

Wow, what a shocking title, huh? I suppose this might anger some people, though I don't know why. If you have a belief system that makes you feel good, then it shouldn't matter one bit what anyone else believes. What does their belief have to do with you and how you choose to live your life? Why do people feel the need to push their beliefs on to others? No one can be absolutely right or wrong. How can they be when there are so many different beliefs out there?
A belief should be something that 'feels' good to you. Something that feels 'right' for you. It doesn't matter if another person doesn't agree with you. It doesn't matter if they verbally tell you you're wrong. If you believe it's right, then it is---for you. That's all that matters.
We all don't like the same colors, the same foods, the same movies---but we certainly can still be friends or love someone who doesn't agree with our choices, right? So why in the world is religion any different?
Religion is about control. You have a priest, a rabbi, a Pope that tells the people of whatever religious group they are with, what they are to believe, how they are to think, act, who they should stay away from, why they should try to convert others to believing their way, who to fight against, etc. People complain about the government having so much control over us (and only we are to blame), but I don't hear anyone complaining about how their religious group has them in their grasp. Why? Because of fear. You get someone to be afraid and you can control every aspect of that person. Control can be a very deadly thing. This next paragraph, if read carefully and honestly, may spark a new belief in you:

"You are killing more of each other every day over your quarrels over religion than all other things put together, because you cannot even come to an agreement about what you think God says, or wants for you. On one side of the world God wants something different than the other. On one side of the room, in one side of your mind, God wants something different than on the other. The power is within you. You are extensions of this powerful Source Energy. You are literally God expressing in this physical body. And so, as you are standing in a thought, or in a word, or in an action that feels good to you as you are standing there--then you are fully open and allowing all of that Divine Energy to flow through you. And in that moment you are all that you said you would be when you decided to come forth into this body. You are the extension of pure positive energy. You are in your full creative power. You are thriving. You are clear-minded. You are joyful. You are filled with love. You are who you are--you are allowing that which you really are."

--- Abraham

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